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康明斯发动机(Cummins engine)

康明斯发动机(Cummins engine)

康明斯发动机(Cummins engine) 国际品牌 卓越动力 可靠的产品 无论是作为备用电源还是主要电源,也无论是敞开式,封闭式机组还是静音型机组,我们的产品都是客户的最佳选择。 康明斯电力系统发电机组的全部组件 从一开始就追求这样一种设计理念,一体化,发挥最大效率、低廉的运转成本上升,并结合畅通的维修和保养,提供全面的服务。 优质产品融合无与伦比的可靠性,为业界提供了最佳的电力解决方案。 由康明斯引擎驱动,动力强劲,性能稳定,应用于矿山、军队、户外工程、野外主用电源等领域。 康明斯无论在设计还是制造上已经被人们认定为知名品牌,是世界引擎领域的高科技典范。无论何时何地使用,无论多大功率,您会发现康明斯发动机的超强动力。对多用户而言,康明斯动力对他们的工作非常适合。康明斯50匹马力以上柴油机的产量居世界首位,与竞争对手相比,康明斯设计与制造的产品,能够更好地满足顾客的需求。 The international brand excellence power reliable product either as a backup power supply or main power supply, whether the open wide type, enclosed units or mute type unit, our products are the best choice to customers. Cummins power system of the generator set all components from the start, pursue such a design concept, integration, the maximum efficiency, low operating costs rise, and combined with the smooth repair and maintenance, provide a comprehensive service. High quality product fusion incomparable reliability, for the industry provides the best power solutions. By cummins engine drive, strong power and stable performance, application in mining, army, outdoor engineering, the Lord with the power source, etc. Cummins in design or manufacturing no matter ?

Telephone: + 86 0137 11 65 09 09 fax: + 86 92 71 020 22 69 Diesel generator manufacturers generator factory